Art, // February 20, 2015
Bert Sult – ARTIST
An interview with artist and architect Bert Sult —
Who are you and what do you do?
I am Bert Sult, an architect and painter focusing mostly on impressionistic watercolor street scenes from interesting locales.
What are your favorite subject(s) and media(s)?
Although my favorite subjects have been Paris and Rome, I have also painted in San Francisco, Vancouver, coastal Mass., New York City and in my own locale of Raleigh, NC. My style is loose and abstract/impressionistic with a focus on the street rather than the explicit details of structures.
How do you work and approach your subject?
My work approach if possible is to be at the site and paint en plain air. If that is not possible, i use photos of the subject. I generally do a graphite value sketch first and then do my painting from that, Occasionally, I will do a small test painting from the value sketch and paint a larger work from that.
What are your favorite art work(s), artist(s)?
Painting now for five years my main influences have been Alvaro Castagnet, Joseph Zbukvic and others.
What are the best responses you have had to your work?
I have had a very positive response to my work and it has gained popularity over the last two years. Watercolor gives me the vehicle to produce quick luminous works. I also like the spontaneousness of it and the fact that you only get one go at it. Its always a challenge to produce something when you are totally under the gun, so to speak.
What advice would you give to other artists?
As far as advice to others thinking about painting in watercolors, I would say don’t give up and find someone whose work you like and go and see them paint. Also, develop your own unique style.
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
I would like to think that as time goes on I can expand my circle of exposure. I have a blog which has received over 20,000 hits and is worldwide. I also have a Facebook page, Bert Sult Fine Art. Hopefully I can move from being local to having and world following. I have sold one or two works outside the United States.

Bert Sult
Sult Architecture
919-803-6916 V.
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