Art, // May 16, 2024

Brotherhood Among Nations Exhibition — ART




Maria de Lourdes Valverde - "El precio de la paz"

In these times when there is so much violence and conflict in the world, it is when art is most important, which identifies us among peoples, helps us to have empathy, teaches us to try to look for similarities and not differences. For this reason, Lewinson Art decided to organize the Brotherhood between Nations exhibition, which will take place on May 12 at the Mexico Israel Cultural Institute.


Yanet Cuellar – “Qué nos hace humanos”


Eduardo Robles Nieto- "Sincretismo"


The artists that make up this exhibition are: Alfredo Bucay, Aliria Morales, Bram L, Careli Barriot, Catalina Moya, David Tirado, Deborah Prum, Eduardo Robles Nieto, Gabriel Corona, Lili Sluvis, Maria de Lourdes Valverde, Melinda Margules, Raul Kaluriz, Rita Amaya, Rocio Garibaldi, Ruben Himelfarb and Yanet Cuellar, who performed this interesting song in different techniques and styles, with their great creativity and talent.



Catalina Moya – “Ciudad de Mexico Vivaz I”


Gabriel Corona - "Magistri Cordis"


The two works with which the artist Aliria Morales participates were published in the 4th grade textbook of the Ministry of Public Education. For this artist it is important to transmit with her work notions of time, memory, space, and consciousness with libertarian airs.



Careli Barriot – “Todas para una”


Rita Amaya - "I believe"


And so each artist has their own way of expressing this theme, we can appreciate abstract works of great expressive force, others figurative that transmit union, or desires to support, others that speak to us about peace, but all focusing on something positive.



Raul Kaluriz – “Palomas por la paz”


Bram L - "El rey David"


It is important that our energies come together so that we have a more just world, where people from all countries live in harmony and peace.



Aliria Morales – “Altar a la medicina”

Everyone is invited to visit this beautiful exhibition.


Débora Lewison