Art, // August 12, 2024

Luix Neto — ARTIST

Luis Neto


Interview with artist Luis Neto —

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
Luiz Firmino Soares Neto, originally from the city of Baía Formosa in Rio Grande do Norte, studied Fine Arts at the Federal University of Pernambuco, has a Master’s in Anthropology and a PhD in Social Psychology, and lives in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

2. Why art?
I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting. I’ve exhibited several works using the dry pastel technique, then I moved on to pen and ink, followed by acrylics, and finally to watercolor on paper.



3. What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist?
My 20 years at university. Portraying my city, the charms of the waters, their movements, and the exuberant tones in the skies.



3. What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist?
My 20 years at university. Portraying my city, the charms of the waters, their movements, and the exuberant tones in the skies.

4. What are your favorite themes? What materials do you use?
Urban scenes, rites of passage, myths, and seascapes. Exploring the colors and tones of watercolor.



5. How do you work and approach the theme of your works?
I usually study the place, like in observation drawing, at which point I analyze the colors and tones of the observed object or landscape and recreate the desired artistic composition in the Atelier.


6. Do any artists inspire you?
Yes, but I prefer to observe every detail of the drawing and build the composition.


7. What are the best responses you have had to your work?
Having my work as part of the heritage collection at the Cultural Foundation of Caixa Salvador-BA, Universidade do Estado da Bahia-BR, Museu Internacional de Watercolor in Fabriano, Museu do Recolhimento in Santo Amaro, Centro Cultural São Francisco in João Pessoa-PB-BR.




8. What do you like most about your work?
The importance of creation. Even if it is an urban or marine landscape, the artistic composition is in itself seductive.





9. Do you have any other activity, besides being an artist?
Anthropologist and social psychologist. I work as a volunteer at a Long-Term Care Institution for the elderly.



10. What are your main exhibition participations?
Solo Exhibitions:

Álvaro Santos Art Gallery.
Watercolor: Imaginary Memories;
Aracaju, SE
Watercolor Horizontes. House of Commerce- Salvador-BA Supported by Sesc.

Tempostal Museum,
Watercolors: Memories of my Childhood
Pelourinho Salvador Bahia;
Amélio Amorim Cultural Center
Watercolors: Imaginary Memories II
Feira de Santana BA;
Memories of my Childhood.
Museum of the Retreat of the Humble – Santo Amaro da Purificação – BA;

Cabo Banco Station-João Pessoa-PB
São Francisco Cultural Center-João Pessoa-PB
Watercolor Festival – Infinite Colors of Watercolor – Annual Exhibition of the-ABA. Mário Schenberg Library – São Paulo-SP-Date 2019

Solar Ferrão Cultural Center. Pelourinho, Salvador – Bahia-Date 2019-Curator • Coordination • Participation as an exhibitor.

Álvaro Santos Art Gallery. Aracaju – SE-Date 2022

COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION: Bahia from the Sacred to the Profane. Curator • Coordination• Participation as an exhibitor, Udo Knof Museum – Pelourinho, Salvador – BA.
COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION: The Artist’s Process-Studio Galeria Priscila Maineri – São Paulo-SP- Year: 2019;
Organized by Maria Inês Lukacs. Brazilian Association of Watercolor and Art on Paper- ABA.

1ST. QUITO INTERNATIONAL, WATERCOLOR BIENNIAL. Title of the Work Oxum, Queen of the Fresh Waters, Dimensions: 56x35cm, Year: 2017;
XII INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF WATERCOLOR, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WATERCOLOR “ALFREDO GUATI ROJO” Title of the Work: Sanctuary of the Island of the Frades, Dimensions: 50x70cm, Year: 2017;
Title of the Work: Blue Amazon; Dimensions: 52 X34.6 cm.
Year: 2016; (Collection of the International Watercolor Museum in Fabriano);
LIGHT WATERCOLOR PORTUGAL-TORRES VEDRAS. Title of the Work: Lagoa Santa, Dimensions: 56x76cm, Year: 2016.

Title of the Work; Sertão Baiano, Dimensions: 29x30cm, Year: 2019;
CEBRANDO LA VIDA” Title of the Work: Memories of My Childhood, Dimensions: 38x56cm, Year: 2023;
Let’s celebrate with coffee. IWS Honduras. Technique: Watercolor with coffee Title of the Work: Rio Vermelho Antigo, Dimensions: 24x32cm, Year: 2022; 2023. FESTIVAL URBAN IN ACQUARELLO: Un dono culturale all’ umanità. Title of the Work; Untitled, Dimension: Hexagonal 30x30cm, Year 2023;
All works are catalogued and have certificates of participation.




12. Where do you see yourself in 05/10 years?
In no non-place.






13. Plans for the future.
Continue my observations, watercoloring and trying to create new perspectives in watercolor.




Edmundo Cavalcanti