Art, // June 10, 2024

“Mandalas” Virtual Expo — ART


The concept of mandala has its origins in India and its name in Sanskrit means “circle, disc or wheel”.

Alex Funes - "El despertar de la conciencia"



If we look for a simple definition, mandalas are symbols of sacred art in Indian and Tibetan traditions. The concentric shapes suggest an idea of ​​perfection, of equidistance with respect to divinity.




Bela Zaga - "Hamsa 2"



Mandalas are a structure of concentric designs that replicate the repetitive composition of the Universe and nature. It can be defined in a simpler way as pictorial representations of heaven, the place where the God in which everyone believes lives. Mandalas are the way Buddhism and Hinduism draw the universe.


Arcelia Urbieta - "Geometria sagrada"



Hindus were the first to use mandalas as a spiritual tool.





Angelica Acuña



Throughout history they have been spread in the West through the designs and uses of Buddhism. All mandalas have in common a space where there is a universe that can be traversed without beginning or end.



Margarita Tellez Meneses - "Mandala humano"



It is a similarity to the cycles of life that surrounds us. They are representations of the cosmos and in many religions they are symbols of union, integration and healing.
Through the balance of visual elements, they represent unity, harmony, the relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm typical of human life and the infinity of the Universe.



Tere Ramos



Each color is related to a series of faculties, characteristics, feelings and moods. And what is the spiritual meaning of mandalas?Painting mandalas provides a lot of information about the current state of a person.



Yanet Cuellar - "Como pez en el agua"



Without the person being aware, he ends up showing and transmitting his feelings, concerns for what are considered a reflection of oneself.By coloring mandalas we let our unconscious express itself, so they can help you get all your emotions out.



Liliana Paganini - "Mandala 12"



On the one hand, the positive ones so that they fill you with energy and on the other hand, expel the negative ones, so that they go away from you. Mandalas are full of energy and symbolism, they help us achieve inner peace and balance the chakras.



Blanca Elia Diaz - "Mándala tranquilidad"


Lewinson Art invited artists to participate in this interesting virtual exhibition, which is made up of: Alex Funes Lovis, Angélica Acuña, Arcelia Urbieta, Bela Zaga, Blanca Elia Diaz, Gloria Mendicuti, Ivonne Wiener, Liliana Paganini, Margarita Tellez Meneses, Raymundo de Rosa Ruiz, Tere Ramos and Yanet Cuellar, who interpreted this interesting theme in various techniques and styles, achieving a range of colors and shapes.


Raymundo de la Rosa



We can appreciate works from figurative, in which flowers are used a lot, to abstract using different ranges of colors, in techniques such as painting, photography, mosaic, ceramics.




The exhibition will open on June 10 in the virtual gallery
Do not miss it.



Débora Lewison