Art, // March 25, 2018
”Out of my shadow” — ART EXHIBIT
”Out of my shadow”
3 Danish women exhibit their art together at the famous Gallerie Rasmus in Odense, Denmark. ”Out of my shadow” is a show full of colorful stories, elegant portraits of women and mystical shadows. The show continues until April 24th.
Gitte Degnemark – Danish portrait painter (b. 1973) – living on the West Coast of Denmark.
I have always loved to draw. As a child I dreamed about being able to draw photorealistic drawings – of animals and peoples faces. For me portrait art has become a way to relate to the community we live in, and to the world around us. With mixed media techniques / collage – sometimes with political current articles – I make portrait art in a new and contemporary way. The challenge for me is always to paint that very special look and expression in the eyes. It is important for me, that the person’s eyes are full of life, and full of unspoken words.
The last years I have had great response to my work, and to day my portraitart is represented by the two Danish Galleries, Gallerie Rasmus and Galleri Beck, and the Swedish Galleri Bergman. Right now I’m honored to exhibit in Gallerie Rasmus (Out of my Shadow) with the glass artist Betina Huber and the painter Agnete Brinch.
I admire many great portrait painters, deceased as well as living. I have found much learning by studying the Danish painter P.S.Krøyers (1851-1909) works.
My best advice to other artists is Never to give up. When I started to take my art seriously – about 20 years ago – with lots of courses in drawing and portrait painting, everyone around me was interested in abstract art. So be true to yourself, and work hard on what is right for you.
— Gitte Degnemark
Agnete Brinch – Danish portrait painter (b. 1970).
For me, the art is the total freedom – it is not the intention of art to do anything and at the same time, the art can do everything! I remember very clearly a portrait in my grandparents home, painted by my aunt. It fascinated me and had me drawend to the art of painting portraits.

Betina Huber – Art glass ”Out of my shadow” / Agnete Brinch – Paintings ”Women who change the world – Karen Blixen” & ”Women who change the world – Amelia Earhart”
I am very found of working with the pencil. I like to draw to warm up and it inspire me and my creativity. I use both acrylic and oil colors in my portraits. Usually acrylic in the background or to paint the first layers on canvas. The portrait is mostly painted with oil-colors, to make it ”alive and shine”.
My favorite art works are painted by Vilhelm Hammershøis, Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann, Anna Ancher, Johannes Vermeer and many others.

Agnete Brinch – Painting ”Women who change the world – Woman on her way ” / Betina Huber – Art glass ”Wait no more
In 2015 i exhibited at the Museum of National History at Frederiksborg, Denmark, and at Ljungberg Museum, Sweden, in an international censured portrait exhibition ”Portrait Now.” I am having my second exhibition as a solo exhibition and at the same time a book release, this year of the name WOMAN WHO CHANGE THE WORLD. Frederiksborg Castle is having a role of the Museum of National portrait gallery, and it is a great honor to exhibit at the castle. Amongst the portraits of historical woman, I have the pleasure to paint a portrait of Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition.
Last year I exhibited with WOMEN WHO CHANGE THE WORLD at the AAF, Hamburg and at a Gallery in Kiel and this year in Münich. And now with this exhibition “Out Of My Shadow” Im happy to exhibit with to artists that I admire very much. The exhibition at Gallery Rasmus, is a comment to the light and the shadows in all art. The shadow or the darkness gives the form and character to a portrait or abstraction.

Agnete Brinch – Painting ”Woman who change the world – Anna H. Pastiche Hammershøi ” / Betina Huber – Art glass
My motivation is to impart portraits of role models, who in their days against all odds achieved recognition and cleared a path for future generations of women, and to impart the power of the woman, historically and in art history – as a model as well as a role model. The pieces create a silent scene, which creates a space for reflection beyond time and place. Outside the frame exists infinity – inside the frame there is tranquility in which the women step forward on the scene. A space is created – an emotional fracture in time. The eye is led to rest on and reflect upon the historical and still current role models.
Many women have shown courage and strength. Their energy has embedded itself deep in my view of life and it has been and remains to be a great source of inspiration. I get the courage and desire to continue the work with the development of my hopes, dreams and visions – which I impart in my portraits and portrait abstractions.
As an artist, to another I recommend to keep playing and find new inspiration through the play. I use music and long walks to help the creativity and ideas for new works of arts.
— Agnete Brinch
Betina Huber – Danish Glass Artist (B.1979)

Agnete Brinch – Paintings & Art Prints “Women who change the world – Karen Blixen, storyteller and diva” / Betina Huber – Art glass “Out of my shadow”
Art – is HOME for me. It’s a quiet, visual multiverse that makes my soul dance. I simply just LOVE to create my very graphic pieces of glass, for an exhibition like this. One thing is to be totally focused in the creative process for months and months, another is to put the show together, so each piece of art gets space and at the same time vibrates together with the pieces around it. It’s a wonderful feeling to open the exhibition and give other people the opportunity to enjoy it all, once it’s all in place at the gallery. I am always very excited, but also a bit nervous. I always create from my heart, and therefore it can feel very vulnerable and naked to show it to other people.
I cut my visual world, out in very thick tape, and then I sandblast the surface of the glass until the black surface disappears and another color surfaces. It’s a very dirty process, and its like playing with stamps in the sandbox. It’s not easy.
”Out of my shadow” is for me about all the stuff that exist in the shadow of my light. Without the darkness, we wouldn’t see light as bright. It’s in the contrast, that we truly experience life. It’s about the lines, the texture and all the shapes, that is a part of my universe. For me, the negative shapes in between the positive, is just as important. I always seek to find a balance in each piece, as well as an interesting flow of movement on the surface. Because I ”paint” on a 3 dimensional piece of glass, it’s fascinating to me, to see the motive change everytime you turn the glass. It’s like having 3 or 4 different paintings, in 1. Music is always present in my creative process as well, and in this glass collection, words and lyrics is something I have incorporated, as part of my graphic expression.
I enjoy to see my art glass exhibit together with these 2 strong artist and their portraits.
Somehow, the combination adds another dimension to both my glass and their paintings.
Thats why its so much more interesting to collaborate – when it works. To meet other artists is truly something I appreciate. It makes it all worth it, and its important to stand together, as artists and as women. So if anything, I want to say: It’s important to collaborate and to help each other cause you will never know where it will take you or what it will bring, unless you dare to try.
— Betina Huber
After the official opening, the famous Jorge Degas (from Brazil) and his family, who runs the International Culture Center ”CulturArte”in Denmark, entertained us with a wonderful mix of brazilian vibes and old danish song lyrics. An evening with art, music, food and great conversation.

Balalli Degas, Jorge Degas, Stenia Degas and Anduva Degas at Gallerie Rasmus Odense. Background painting by Gitte Degnemark “The Brazilian Coffee Girl”
Gitte Degnemark
Portrait Painter
Vibäkvej 36, Alslev
6800 Varde
Mobil +45 30209445
Agnete Brinch
Stilhofsvej 4
6852 Billum
Mobil +45 60957915
Betina Huber
The Glass BOX
Storgatan 13
38650 Mörbylånga
Mobil +46 (0) 735360059
Gallerie Rasmus Odense
Ny Vestergade 8+9
5000 Odense C
Tlf +45 65 91 88 33
Byvejen 5, Køng
5620 Glamsbjerg
Tlf +45 61603903