Art, // September 3, 2020
Toshiko Watanabe — ARTIST

Toshiko Watanabe
Interview with artist Toshiko Watanabe —
1. Who are you and what do you do?
I am Toshiko Watanabe, an artist from Japan, and I live in Tokyo. As I was growing up, I lived in Japan, Thailand, Germany, and the U.S.A. I have exhibitions in Tokyo, also participate in exhibitions in other countries; Sweden, U.S.A., Slovenia and so on.
2. Why art?
I love working with my art works. Art is endless, wonderful and it is very important to me.
3. What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist?
The period when I decided to be an artist was very late, after my children had grown up. But since childhood, I kept drawing and painting.
4. What are your favorite subject(s) and media(s)?
I like hand-made paper, Japanese paints, and mulberry paper.
5. How do you work and approach your subject?
These days I make two types of works. One is paper works which I manipulate the Japanese paper and then also paint on it. The other is paper mulberry objects. I make installations using these works at gallery spaces. Usually, I make these works outside under the sky, feeling the wind.

Message from Faraway 2019
Deep into the forest (detail)
Photo by Hiroshi Suzuki
6. What are your favorite art work(s), artist(s)?
There are many artists I like, but if I have to specify few; they are Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Emily Kngwarreye, Ana Mendieta.
I also like particular Buddhist statues. Sometimes I visit Museums to meet them and feel their calm existence.
7. What are the best responses you have had to your work?
At my exhibition space I become so happy when visitors enjoy my art and say ‘”I’d love to be here all day.”
8. What do you like about your work?
I have been working to stay connected to nature. I mainly use natural materials and work near nature as much as possible.
9. What advice would you give to other artists?
I would like to suggest them to try to hear to their inside voices.
10. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
I’m not very sure about my future, but I hope to continue working on my art works and exhibit in Japan and in other countries.

Toshiko Watanabe
“Sorrow and Hope” Examined: