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Email: cwa2464@gmail.com
Address: Arts Illustrated, 10 N. Hanover St. Carlisle PA 17013
Cover Photos Left to right – Hélène Stevens • Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola • Mina Radovic
Art, // September 24, 2018
Interview with artist David Ohlerking — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is David Ohlerking. I drive around in a 97 Crown Vic that has been painted on by children for the last 7 years. When I find a good parking spot I pull […]
Art, // September 20, 2018
Entrevista al artista Tomas Amaya Thommy — El artista Tomas Amaya con nombre artístico: Thommy es integrante del grupo Lewinson Art, donde tenemos como objetivo promover el arte, a través de la galería virtual www.lewinsonart.com y de exposiciones en diferentes espacios. La obra de este artista es muy bella, de […]
Art, // September 5, 2018
By Roberta Smith Sept. 5, 2018 “A rude woman is really what we need right now,” a veteran of the New York art scene said to me last May, just weeks before several assertive female political candidates started to emerge and even win some primaries. Ms. Lucas’s […]
Art, // September 2, 2018
By Sebastian Smee — SYDNEY — In early summer — winter in Australia — an exhibition that the wider world should know about opened in a museum of contemporary art situated between Sydney’s Opera House and Harbor Bridge. The artist, John Mawurndjul, is an aboriginal man with a white beard, a furrowed brow […]
Art, // September 1, 2018
Interview with artist Daniel Jurić — 1. Who are you and what do you do ? My name is Daniel I am 35 years old and I am an artist from Germany. It took some time to call myself an artist but I strongly believe you are an artist the […]
Art, // August 24, 2018
Entrevista com a artista Keila Rosa (O Cacto e a Rosa) — 1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Keila Rosa, 41 anos, formada em Artes pela Faculdade Paulista de Artes em 2003, produziu e participou de alguns projetos artísticos, exposições coletivas, e hoje atua no que mais ama que […]
Art, // August 20, 2018
Entrevista con la artista Leticia Lagos — En Lewinson Art nuestro objetivo es difundir el arte, por lo que le hicimos una entrevista a la artista Leticia Lagos, integrante de este grupo, para dar a conocer su obra, sus intereses, sus sueños. 1. ¿Cómo te iniciaste en el arte? Desde siempre […]
Art, // August 19, 2018
Interview with artist Mimi Revencu — 1.Who are you and what are you doing? I am Mimi Revencu, a Mirabilist artist and I am someone who followed her destiny. I always had a calling for art and yet I became an economist and had a career in the field. But deep […]
Art, // August 15, 2018
Interview with artist Alan Spazzali — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I was born in Trieste, Italy. I am a Dutch citizen from Italian origin and actually, I lived in Barcelona, Spain. I acquired my bachelors Degree from the Ecole Nationale Superieur des Beaux-Arts and […]
Art, // August 4, 2018
Un entretien avec l’artiste Véronique Villard – 1. Qui êtes-vous et que faites-vous? Je m’appelle Véronique Villard. Je suis peintre depuis vingt ans. Après avoir reçu une formation à l’Ecole Martenot, j’ai suivi des cours d’art-thérapie et fréquenté différents peintres. 2. Pourquoi l’art? La peinture abstraite […]
Art, // August 2, 2018
Interview with ECO-DECO artist Terry Graff — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a visual artist who currently lives in Island View, New Brunswick, in Canada, with my wife, Kim Leaver Graff, and four Siamese cats. With the support of Kim, I have been able to […]
Art, // July 28, 2018
Entrevista com a artista Gisele Faganello – 1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Sou engenheira de formação, jornalista (atuo na imprensa no interior de São Paulo há cerca de 25 anos – Jornal, TV e revista), agora sou também Publisher em dois jornais online e um sobre viagens e turismo, […]
Art, // July 3, 2018
Summerfest Logan Utah 2018 — “Wow! You really captured him,” another spellbound viewer commented while comparing a featured painting, “Singing Cello”, with my friend Josiah, as he worked his magic on his own cello in front of my booth. I smiled, “Well, that painting was done before he was even […]
Writing, // June 30, 2018
Entrevista com o escritor Edmundo Cavalcanti – “O poeta é um fingidor. Finge tão completamente Que chega a fingir que é dor A dor que deveras sente.” — Fernando Pessoa 1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Eu nasci em São Paulo/SP-Brasil, sou administrador de empresas, formado pela ESAN-Escola Superior […]
Art, // June 24, 2018
Wywiad z artystką Małgorzatą Borsukiewicz — 1. Kim jesteś i co robisz? Małgorzatą Borsukiewicz – pilska malarka, która na co dzień prowadzi Galerię Malarstwa. Tematem jej prac w większości jest kobieta. Prace artystki obfitują w bogatą kolorystykę, napawając odbiorcę optymizmem. 2. Dlaczego sztuka? Ze sztuką […]
Art, // June 18, 2018
Uma entrevista com a artista Janice Cumerlatto – 1.Fale um pouco sobre você Sou Janice Cumerlatto, nasci em Gramado RS terminei o ensino médio! Sou autodidata.Artista plástica!Pintora e desenhista, sou uma pessoa sensível e amo o que faço. 2. Por que a arte? Porque na […]
Art, Writing, // May 31, 2018
Uma entrevista com o artista / escritor Elze Arruda — 1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Sou Elze Arruda, artista plástica e escritora, minha raiz é o Universo e gosto de Viver, ARTEando VIDA…! 2. Por que a arte? Faz parte de mim, minhas memórias mais remotas, são pinceladas com lápis […]
Art, // May 30, 2018
Interview with the artist ZheKa— 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is ZheKa and for the past 30 years, I’ve been on a journey of a lifetime! This journey is art. Both visual art and literary art. These two passions highly influence and complement my […]
Art, // May 27, 2018
Inventing History, Drawings by Richard Chandler Hoff Opening June 8th at the Carlisle Arts Learning Center, 38 W Pomfret St, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013 “Each drawing begins with a concept. A “what if?” moment. The concept must then be supported by photographic research. I rely on extensive photo files […]
Art, // May 17, 2018
Exhibition “Signos del Zodiaco” — Lewinson Art tiene como objetivo difundir el arte, por lo que promueve a artistas a través de su galería virtual y de exposiciones en diferentes espacios. En esta ocasión convoca a los artistas a participar en la exposición “Signos del Zodiaco”, la cual se […]