If interested contact us at:
Phone: 717-249-1721
Email: cwa2464@gmail.com
Address: Arts Illustrated, 10 N. Hanover St. Carlisle PA 17013
Cover Photos Left to right – Hélène Stevens • Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola • Mina Radovic
Art, // July 25, 2015
El próximo 29 de Agosto se inaugurará la exposición “Raíces Prehispánicas” organizada por Lewinson Art, en Espacio Copal, en Oaxaca. JAGUAR Ana Gabriela Iniguez Se convocó a varios artistas de gran talento para que expresaran en diversas técnicas este interesante tema. […]
Art, // July 19, 2015
Entrevista com o artista Angela de Oliveira — by Edmundo Cavalcanti 1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Sou artista plástica e produtora cultura. Desde muito pequena tomei conhecimento do mundo da arte pois meu pai era um grande artista ainda que tenha seu talento […]
Art, // July 14, 2015
Entrevista a Antonio Diaz Cortés, integrante de Lewinson Art — 1. Como te iniciaste en el arte? Nací siendo artista. Desde niño dibujaba y hacia pequeñas esculturas con lo que podía y lo que tenía. Ya de joven cuando vi a un pintor pintando un anuncio espectacular […]
Art, // July 5, 2015
Interview with artist Tom Block — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Tom Block, a visual artist, author and playwright whose work is collected under something I call “Prophetic Activist Art.” This is a model of using art as a means for […]
Art, // July 5, 2015
Interview with artist Albin Talik — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Albin Talik. I was born in 1980 in Poland. I live and work in Cracow. For years, the main area of my work was the music. I played rock music and […]
Writing, // July 4, 2015
Interview with writer Cas Peace — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Cas Peace, I’m from the UK, and I’m a fantasy and non-fiction author as well as a freelance editor/proofreader. I write and sing folk songs, and I’m also a qualified teacher […]
Art, // June 26, 2015
Entrevista al artista José Luis Briseño, integrante de Lewinson Art — Junio 2015 1. ¿Cómo te iniciaste en el arte? Cuando llegué a Cuernavaca no conocía a nadie. Así que para ocuparme después de trabajar compre lienzos y pinturas. Luego ya no lo pude dejar. La pintura resultó ser […]
Art, // June 16, 2015
An interview with artist Siona Benjamin — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Siona Benjamin, a painter originally from Bombay, now living in the US. My work reflects my background of being brought up Jewish in a predominantly Hindu and Muslim […]
Writing, // June 7, 2015
Interview with writer Joe Bonadonna — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Joe Bonadonna, and I live in Chicago, IL. I’m retired from the 9 to 5 grind, and now I write, edit, promote, network, etc. I played in scores of local rock […]
Art, // June 7, 2015
Interview with artist Edmundo Cavalcanti — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Edmundo Cavalcanti , I am a Brazilian artist who has found out colours, forms and the world’s beauty, after retirement as a business administrator. 2. Why art? To my mind art is […]
Writing, // May 31, 2015
Interview with the writer Andrew Weston — 1.Who are you and what do you do? My name is Andrew Weston and I am a Royal Marine and Police veteran from the UK who now lives on the beautiful Greek island of Kos with my wife, Annette, and our […]
Art, // May 30, 2015
Entrevista al artista Primo Vega — Uno de los integrantes de Lewinson Art, es el reconocido artista Primo Vega, a quien le hicimos la siguiente entrevista. 1. ¿Cómo te iniciaste en el arte? El estudio de la Arquitectura y paralelamente la Música me dieron la llave para iniciarme en […]
Art, // May 13, 2015
Artist Lindsey Cowley in her own words — I am Lindsey Cowley, and my graphics company is Jupiter Falling. I have a hard time labeling myself. Honestly, most days I feel like an actor portraying different roles. I always knew I wanted to be an artist, but I […]
Art, // May 13, 2015
Interview with artist Josh Hunter — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Josh Hunter, a collector, traveler, color pusher, wanna be snake charmer, artist, friend, & husband to my beautiful muse. 2. Why art? As a child, I loved the iridescent colors of […]
Art, // May 12, 2015
Interview with artist Todd Lachance — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Todd Lachance. I am a representational painter based out of Calgary Alberta, Canada. I work in oils. I plein air paint and work out of my studio. I paint portraits, figures, […]
Writing, // May 9, 2015
Interview with writer Lisa Vandiver — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Lisa Vandiver. I am an Author. I have written 2 romance stories- “Where She Belongs Book One,” “Where She Belongs BookTwo,” and “Josie’s Thorn.” I have also written one Fantasy/Paranormal story, “Mystic Mist” […]
Art, // May 6, 2015
Interview with artist Fernando Naviskas — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Fernando Naviskas, born in 1961. I am Brazilian artist painter. 2. Why art? Because it’s part of me like my legs or the air I breath. Because is inevitable. 3. What is […]
Art, // May 6, 2015
Interview with artist Paul McCloskey — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Paul McCloskey, a painter from Ireland and a graduate from the National College of Art in Dublin; I also attended De Montfort University in the UK and was awarded Masters in Fine […]
Art, // April 30, 2015
Artist Val van der Poel, in her own words — I am Val van der Poel and I am a mutli-media artist. I am also a wife, a mother and a grandmother, but since 1997 my passion has been painting. I have studied with a number of local artists as […]
Art, // April 30, 2015
Interview with artist Jodie Woodcock — 1. Who are you and what do you do? Hello my name is Jodie Woodcock, but you can call me Jo. I am a mother of five children and grandmother to three grandchildren. I love to draw and my kids love to join in […]