Art, Writing, // July 10, 2014
1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Pat LaMarche and I’m a writer and an activist. 2. Why writing? That’s like asking, “Why breathing?” From the time I learned to read and write, I have been writing stories. When my mom died I found a whole bunch […]
Art, Writing, // May 10, 2014
I am finally becoming ME! All my life I have wanted to become an artist. Since I was only 4 years old, I have held this goal close to my heart. Time dissolves, when I enter this magical world of form, expressions and colors. Finally, at the age […]
Art, Writing, // April 25, 2014
I visited Mr. Tritt’s small sharpening shop a few years back when my hair-cutting scissors were in desperate need of his services. Yesterday, dull scissors in hand, I walked the three blocks from my home to his tidy white-shingled house graced by a small flower-filled yard. A series of hand-printed […]
Acting, Writing, // April 21, 2014
Who are you and what do you do? My name is Ari Barkan and I am an actor! Why acting? There is no other profession that allows you to become someone or something that you are truly not. There is no other profession that […]
Art, Writing, // April 14, 2014
Interview with photographer Linda Benzon 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a wife of 38 years, mother of 2 grown sons and 2 beautiful daughters-in-law, semi-retired accountant, and emerging artist who has an ever-growing fascination with using a camera to capture God’s creation. 2. […]
Art, Writing, // April 14, 2014
Journey With Zeno riding shotgun, we’ll never get there; But forever divide in half the distance yet to go. No is where I want to be; Driving but never arriving. The radio is playing Smetana’s Ma Vlast And I pass a blue and white Kenworth. The driver taps the steering […]
Acting, Writing, // April 14, 2014
Who are you and what do you do? The question, “who am I?” is not so easily answered. Lately, my reply has always been that I am a Sicilian woman who was born in Brooklyn with a full head of curly hair which the new me wears straight. I have […]
Art, Writing, // April 2, 2014
El artista Agustín Aldama es integrante de Lewinson Art, estudió pintura en la Academia de San Carlos, tomó clases con los maestros Javier Mexiac y Roberto Garibay Sida. Hizo la Licenciatura en Pintura en la Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura […]
Art, Writing, // March 21, 2014
Interview with artist Angela Brittain — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Angela Brittain, a narrative, figurative painter. My paintings are inspired by observations, lines from a poem or a song and sometimes by the sheer quirkiness of life. This is my sixth […]
Art, Writing, // March 13, 2014
Ileana Piszk —Artista Artista nacida en Costa Rica, integrante del grupo Lewinson Art, tiene una obra muy espontanea, llena de frescura, de estilo abstracto, con colorido vivo, y trazos seguros, representa paisajes fantásticos y toda una poesía plástica. Ileana nos platica acerca de su […]
Art, Writing, // March 4, 2014
All forms of art involve capturing a moment in time, but especially in the case of photography, the moment in time can never be duplicated exactly. So why do I sometimes hesitate when I see a scene like this? Fortunately, I did not this time. I saw the disconnected young […]
Dance, Writing, // February 27, 2014
4 Lessons Ballet Taught Me About Life Ballet has taught me a great deal about life. Sounds too simple? Not at all. Each day I was challenged to grasp the technical grace and precision of one of the most beautiful of art forms. Yet, I would never have grown if […]
Art, Writing, // February 22, 2014
Lewinson Art dedicado a promover el arte, ha organizado la exposición Hay de Amores a Amores en la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística, Academia Nacional de Turismo, la cual se inaugura el 25 de febrero del 2014. En esta exposición participan los siguientes artistas: Agustín Aldama, Rika Anav, […]
Art, Writing, // February 6, 2014
My downtown neighborhood in historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania, is one of my favorite places to photograph, with everything from people on the street to architectural detail. In fact, I get so overwhelmed at times with all the potential subjects that I recently decided to zero in on interesting porches, and there […]
Art, Writing, // February 3, 2014
Arts Illustrated visited Paris in September of 2013, and this is the second article in five of our series ARTS ALIVE! – Paris. While enjoying the wonderful city, we were looking to discover as much of the current Paris art scene as we could in our (sadly) limited time. In […]
Art, Writing, // January 23, 2014
Lewinson art esta dedicado a promover el arte, a través de su galería virtual y por medio de exposiciones temáticas organizadas en diferentes espacios. En esta ocasión se convocó a varios artistas a interpretar plásticamente la canción Jerusalem de oro, compuesta por Noemi Shemer, la cual habla […]
Art, Music, Writing, // January 17, 2014
Have you ever heard a dogfish howl? A young student asked Maestro Handel Are there dogfish swimming In that sewer called the Thames? Of course, Handel said no, and Dismissed the wag to pentatonic scales. But the thought provoked him […]
Art, Writing, // January 1, 2014
Lucille Wong – Concepto sobre la pintura Lewinson Art promueve la obra de varios artistas de gran talento, una de sus integrantes es la reconocida artista Lucille Wong. Ella nos describe su que hacer en el arte de esta manera. Concepto sobre la pintura “Pintar, para mi, […]
Art, Writing, // December 27, 2013
In April of 2013, I attended a Light & Creativity workshop sponsored by the Harrisburg Camera Club. The keynote address by John Barclay, “Imagine, Create, Believe,” was a call to action for all budding (and perhaps seasoned) photographers to keep producing work that you love, to not give up, and […]
Art, Writing, // December 27, 2013
Lately I’ve been thinking about what it is that makes me love photography so much. Besides it being a wonderful outlet for my creative side (and a welcome distraction from accounting or housework), just what is it that makes me want to grab my camera and go, every day? The […]