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Cover Photos Left to right Hélène Stevens Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola Mina Radovic

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Art, // January 21, 2019

David Opdyke — ARTIST “This Land”

With “This Land,” David Opdyke melds art and environmental activism, hoping to inspire urgent changes in vision, one postcard, and viewer, at a time.  By Lawrence Weschler           Photo: Ricky Rhodes for The New York Times  

Music, // January 15, 2019

Anna Lundqvist — MUSICIAN

Interview with musician Anna Lundqvist — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Anna Lundqvist and I’m a jazz vocalist and composer from Sweden. I’ve been working professionally since the year 2000.  I mainly work with my own music and projects. My number one group is […]

Art, // January 9, 2019

Art & Life with Frank Herrmann – Voyage ATL

Art & Life with Frank Herrmann   I am the older of two sons born to a homemaker mother and an auto mechanic father from Westmont, New Jersey, and the first person in my family to graduate from college. I received a B.A. in painting from Western Kentucky University in […]

Art, Writing, // January 7, 2019

Morton Davis – Art for the sake of Depth and Meaning

Interview with artist/writer Davis W. Morton about his new book — “Art for the sake of Depth and Meaning” Portraying beauty is the purpose of art for many people. For others, art can also be “art for art’s sake,” or design. And for over a century art has continually shown […]

Music, // December 23, 2018

Magnus Bergman — MUSICIAN

Interview with musician Magnus Bergman —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Magnus Bergman a songwriter and music producer from Sweden. Music has always been in the centre of my life, and since my early 20’s it has been my job, sometimes focusing on […]

Art, // December 18, 2018

Marcos Varanda — PHOTOGRAPHER

Entrevista com o fotógrafo Marcos Varanda — 1.Quem é você e o que você faz? Meu nome é Marcos Varanda, paulistano, 57 anos , fotógrafo, colecionador, curador, empreendedor, incentivador cultural e acima de tudo, um inquieto.     2.Porque a fotografia? Meu primeiro contato com a fotografia foi através do […]

Art, // December 4, 2018

Gordon Parks’s early years — National Gallery

A National Gallery show examines Gordon Parks’s early years   He was the youngest of his father’s 15 children. He wrote in his high school yearbook that he wanted to be “a general or a Jazz Sheik.” Gordon Parks fell short of those goals, but in the process of failing, […]

Art, // December 2, 2018

Hope Kroll — ARTIST

Interview with artist Hope Kroll —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a California-based artist specializing in hand-cut paper collage. I use cuticle scissors to dissect illustrations and diagrams from old medical texts, technical manuals, Audubon books, vintage photographs and encyclopedias to create elaborate […]

Art, // November 25, 2018

Edval Pessoa — ARTIST

Entrevista com o artista Edval Pessoa –     1.Fale um pouco sobre você. Edval Pessoa, nascido em Altamira – PA, Brasil em 1969 mudou-se para Ribeirão Preto — SP, onde vive até os dias de hoje. Assim, descobrindo o mundo das artes. Seus primeiros contatos com a arte foram […]

Music, // November 20, 2018


Interview with musician Tilda —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Tilda, a French singer and songwriter based in Montreal, Québec, Canada. I grew up in Paris, in a family coming from Mediterranean islands called Corsica and Sardinia. I just released a new pop-electro EP […]

Art, Music, // November 15, 2018


Interview with Audio artist Paul Hazel —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a white guy of a certain age with a mixed Anglo-French heritage. I am divorced but have two lovely children. I live with a generous, intelligent, and honourable woman who is […]

Art, // November 10, 2018


Interview with photographer Max Herridge —   1. Who are you and what do you do? “My name is Max Herridge and I am a 19 year old artist/photographer based in central London. I identify as non-binary and am currently studying at University of the Arts London. English Literature, History […]

Art, // November 6, 2018

Kátia Almeida — ARTIST

Entrevista com a artista Kátia Almeida –   1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Brasileira, residente em São Paulo/SP- Nascida em São Paulo/SP-Brasil,em julho de 1965, trabalho com arte desde 2004. Formada em comunicação Social.     2. Por que a arte? Eu diria: Porque não arte? E ainda porque […]

Art, // November 3, 2018

Krystyną Ruminkiewicz — ARTIST

Wywiad z artystą Krystyną Ruminkiewicz — Krystyna Ruminkiewicz- członek Związku Polskich Artystów Malarzy i Grafików. Tworzy w różnych technikach malarskich. Inspiracje czerpie z licznych podróży. Swoje prace prezentowała między innymi we Włoszech, Słowacji, Niemczech i Belgii. Jest właścicielką galerii, gdzie prezentuje nie tylko swoje prace malarskie, ale również inne wyroby […]

Art, // November 1, 2018

Susana Levy — ARTIST

Entrevista a Susana Levy — Lewinson Art le hizo una entrevista a la artista Susana Levy, a quien le está organizando su exposición “De Introversiones e Intimidades”, en la Galería Torre del Reloj el 15 de Nobiembre 2018, ya que consideramos importante dar a conocer su gran talento, sensibilidad y […]

Art, // October 28, 2018


  Interview with Gary Nicholls —       1.   Who are you and what do you do? I am Gary Nicholls – Fine Art  Photographer.         2.  Why art/photography? The ability using digital cameras and Photoshop to create 21st century art has allowed me to express my imagination […]

Art, // October 23, 2018

Raquel Cheja — ARTIST

Entrevista a la artista Raquel Cheja — Lewinson Art le hizo una entrevista a la artista Raquel Cheja, a quien le está organizando su exposición “Ámbar, Energía Mística”, en el Centro Holístico Nahualli el 28 de Octubre 2018, ya que consideramos importante dar a conocer su gran talento, sensibilidad y […]

Art, // October 18, 2018

Fátima Marques — ARTIST

Entrevista com a artista Fátima Marques –   1. Fale um pouco sobre você.  Fatima Marques nasceu em São Paulo (SP)Brasil em 1956 e é formada em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade de São Paulo, tendo atuado como Executiva de Marketing em grandes empresas multinacionais, por mais de 30 anos. […]

Art, // September 30, 2018

Rafael Murió — ARTIST

Entrevista com o artista Rafael Murió — 1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Nasci em São Caetano do Sul/São Paulo/Brazil, mas vim morar no bairro da Mooca em São Paulo/Sp/Brazil aos 2 anos de idade. Meu pai nasceu na Mooca. Comecei a desenhar e pintar aos 9 anos de idade […]

Art, // September 29, 2018


Interview with Canadian artist KV Duong — KV Duong’s solo show, Identity, is at Streatham Space Project, London, SW2 from 23 October to 27 November 2018   1. Who are you and what do you do? KV Duong, abstract action artist. The action comes from the act of painting whether […]

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