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Cover Photos Left to right – Hélène Stevens • Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola • Mina Radovic
Art, // November 24, 2017
Exposición Abstracciones — El próximo domingo 10 de diciembre, se inaugurará la exposición Abstracciones, organizada por Lewinson Art en el Foro Artístico del Centro Deportivo Israelita. Esta exposición está integrada por los siguientes artistas: Ana Elisa Benavent, Marilyn Beyda Dana, Débora Lewinson, Miriam Neuman, Susana Magali Ordoñez, […]
Art, // November 17, 2017
Empowering Traditional Women Artisans — 1. What is your organization, and what do you do? Ruas is a social enterprise created to empower traditional women artisans through the power of co-design and by raising awareness about their historic craft forms. We believe that artisans are artists waiting for the right […]
Art, // November 10, 2017
Интервью с художником Елена Трифонова — 1. Кто вы и что вы делаете? Меня зовут Елена Трифонова. Живу в России в городе Саратове. Я мастер- керамист. Леплю из глины интересные, эксклюзивные и неповторимые вещи: сказочных зверушек, задумчивых балерин, сценки из деревенской жизни. Стараюсь, что бы каждое изделие […]
Art, // October 22, 2017
Artists Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald to Paint Official Obama Portraits — Barack and Michelle Obama don’t like to waste an opportunity, in word or action, to make larger points about contemporary life and culture. In that vein, their choices of artists for their official portraits in the […]
Acting, // October 21, 2017
Update interview with actor Ari Barkan — “Having Conquered Gotham and Blacklist, this “Big Dog” Now Has His Sights Set On Even Bigger Goals.” 1. Hello Ari, since your article 3 years ago in Arts Illustrated, you’ve been very busy. What’s been happening? First of all Charles, I want to […]
Art, // October 13, 2017
Interview with artist Sigal Ron — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Sigal Ron. I am an addicted Israeli painter. 2. Why art? Art is an essence of being free. 3. What is your earliest memory of wanting to […]
Art, // October 10, 2017
Exposición Musicalización de la Forma – 22 de Octubre — Lewinson Art tiene como objetivo difundir el arte y promover a artistas de gran talento a través de su galería virtual, así como a través de exposiciones en diferentes espacios, por lo que en esta ocasión convocó a artistas […]
Art, // September 28, 2017
Exposición – “México Te amo” Lewinson Art y Black Dot unen sus fuerzas para organizar en conjunto la exposición “México te Amo” con el fin de donar todo el dinero que se recaude para ayudar a los damnificados del sismo en México. De tal manera que este 1 de […]
Art, // September 23, 2017
Entrevista a Yolanda Veytia — En Lewinson Art nuestro objetivo es difundir el arte, por lo que le hicimos una entrevista a la artista Yolanda Veytia integrante de este grupo, para dar a conocer su obra, sus intereses, sus sueños. 1. ¿De donde eres? Soy ciudadana Mexicana, de la […]
Art, // September 9, 2017
Mihail Zablodskiy in his own words — I graduated Polygraph Institute (Faculty of Graphics), and participated in numerous Ukrainian and international exhibitions. My works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, England, Canada, USA, Germany, Poland, India. I live and work in Kyiv. I love when in the […]
Art, Music, // September 6, 2017
Entretien avec l’artiste / musicien Thierry Mesquita — 1. Qui êtes-vous et que faites-vous? mon nom est Thierry Mesquita Je suis artiste peintre et musicien 2. Pourquoi l’art? C’est la musique qui m’a attiré en PREMIER dans ses filets , je devais avoir 16 ans ; et de […]
Art, // September 5, 2017
Wywiad z artystką Ewa Lanrecz — 1. Kim jesteś i co robisz? Pochodze z Polski,gdzie mieszkam i pracuje,moje prawdziwe nazwisko brzmi Ewa Czernal-Suliga. Lanrecz to pseudonim. 2. Dlaczego sztuka? Jestem bardzo wrazliwa i emocjonalna osoba,malarstwo poruszalo mnie zawsze,chociaz sama nie jestem w stanie zdefiniowac dokladnie slowa Sztuka i co […]
Art, // August 29, 2017
Interview with artist Paul West — Paul is taking part in London’s forthcoming New Artist Fair from 8 to 10 September. 1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Paul West and I’m a landscape painter and charcoal artist 2. Why art? My college education in […]
Art, // August 26, 2017
Interview with artist ALBENA — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a French artist born in the city of Sofia, in Bulgaria, I am also an architect, a poet, a graphic designer. I create mainly oil paintings on canvas or wood. 2. […]
Art, // August 14, 2017
Interview with artist Ian Rayer-Smith — In advance of his forthcoming solo show from 31 August-9 September at – D Contemporary Gallery 23 Grafton Street London W1S 4EY 1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Ian Rayer-Smith and I’m an artist. I paint and make 3D sculptures. I […]
Art, // August 14, 2017
Entrevista a la artista Bete Pagani, integrante de Lewinson Art 1. ¿Cómo fue que te interesaste por el arte? Mi interés siempre fue por el dibujo: la libertad de una línea, la belleza de un garabato que muestra el movimiento de la mano, la delicadeza de un trazo son […]
Art, // August 12, 2017
An interview with artist Jane Kell who will be exhibiting her latest work as part of the New Artist Fair in London, from 8-10 September — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a full time painter working from my home studio in West London. The main focus […]
Art, // August 12, 2017
Entrevista a José Sacal, integrante de Lewinson Art — Es un gran orgullo para Lewinson Art, promover la obra del reconocido artista José Sacal, por lo que nos interesa dar a conocer su bellísima obra, su gran talento y calidad humana, por lo que aquí les damos a conocer […]
Art, // August 5, 2017
Interview with Aditi Dubey — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Aditi Dubey, and I am a art/social entrepreneur. I run the company Ruas where we work with traditional women artisans to recognize them as artists with their unique skills and help preserve their […]
Art, // July 29, 2017
Interview with artist Slava Nikolaev — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Slava Nikolaev, an artist and I draw all the time. In breaks, I became a husband, a father, and a grandfather. 2. Why art? I can […]