Hello! This is to notify everyone that the Arts Illustrated website and domain name are for sale. The site will remain up until it is sold.

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Cover Photos Left to right Hélène Stevens Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola Mina Radovic

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Art, // February 7, 2016

Davis W. Morton — ARTIST

Interview with artist Davis W. Morton — 1. Who are you and what do you do? As a painter I have never known how to describe myself by any one particular phrase or label.  Having borrowed from many disciplines, all I have ever tried to be is a school of […]

Writing, // February 6, 2016

Brandon C. Jones — WRITER (Comedy)

  Interview with comedy writer Brandon C. Jones —     1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Brandon C. Jones. I’m named after my father…well, chronologically. If I was literally named after my father, my name would be “Alleged, Jr.” I wrote a couple books, for […]

Art, // February 1, 2016

Sauro Poli — ARTISTA

  Intervista con l’artista [notranslate]Sauro Poli[/notranslate] — 1. Chi sei e cosa fai? Mi chiamo [notranslate]Sauro Poli[/notranslate], sono nato il 5 giugno 1950, in arte uso lo pseudonimo di SAPO, e mi piace fare “Arte”     2. Perché l’arte? Fin da bambino mi piaceva osservare le cose e poi […]

Art, // February 1, 2016

Lars Fredholm — ARTIST

Konstnären Lars Fredholm, i hans egna ord – Jag är född 1962, inbiten fågelskådare sen ungdomsåren och sen mer än tjugo år tillbaka fågel-och naturmålare. Uppvuxen i Malmö men utflyttad till landsbygden strax utanför Hörby, i hjärtat av Skåne, sedan många många år tillbaka. Här, på och runt våra ängar […]

Art, // January 31, 2016

Mikal Davis — ARTIST

Interview with artist Mikal Davis —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Mikal Davis. I am 25 years old and I currently reside in the  Niagara region of Ontario, in Canada. I am a multi disciplinary visual artist focusing on mixed media social […]

Art, // January 31, 2016

Kyle Johnston — ARTIST

Inerview with the artist Kyle Johnston —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Kyle Johnston. I live and work in Tucson, in Arizona. I am visual artist and work in mixed media, painting in acrylic, collage and assemblage.     2. Why art? […]

Art, // January 30, 2016

Isabella Paier — ARTIST

Interview mit Künstler Isabella Paier –       1. Wer sind Sie und was tun Sie? Mein Name ist Isabella Paier. Ich bin bildende Künstlerin und lebe in St. Veit/Glan in Österreich.         2. Warum Kunst? Ich mache Kunst, weil ich nicht anders kann.     […]

Art, // January 25, 2016

Martha Meza — ARTISTA

Entrevista con la artista Martha Meza —   1. ¿Quién eres y qué haces? Soy Martha Meza, artista, nacida hace 44 años en un pequenito pueblo de Colombia con un nombre muy gracioso:El recreo….que significa el momento en el cual los estudiantes corren fuera de los salones de clase para jugar. […]

Art, // January 23, 2016

Chencho Zocar — ARTISTA

    Entrevista con el artista Chencho Zocar – Dibujo, dibujo, pinto e imagino y escribo, completando puzzles de letras. Mi estilo es como el buen pescado, fresco. Soy zurdo, ecléctico lunático, lobo de mar, de la Tacita de Plata del Carnaval, aunque ahora interactúo entre vides y flamenco en […]

Art, // January 20, 2016

Inga Loyeva — ARTIST

Interview with artist Inga Loyeva —   1. Who are you, and what do you do? I am a Ukrainian-American artist that has been living, training, teaching and making paintings in Europe for the last eight years and very recently moved back to the States. Upon landing in San Francisco […]

Music, // January 11, 2016


  Interview with the band Skytone — 1. Who are you and what do you do? We are a band of brothers! Two to be exact , Darius and Rodney Doddridge, and we write music and record albums and have been doing this for quite awhile. We call ourselves Skytone. […]

Art, // December 31, 2015

Corinne Séguin — ARTIST

  Interview with artist Corinne Séguin —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Corinne Séguin. I currently live in NY but I come from Andrésy, a small city in the west suburbs area of Paris in France. I’m a Graphic Designer, Fine Art artist, […]

Art, // December 21, 2015

Angela Cohen — ARTIST

Interview with artist/designer Angela Cohen —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Angela Cohen. I am an artist/jewelry designer who uses forgotten objects and all manner of vintage elements in my collection, From the Ashes. I like to give discarded bits from the […]

Art, Music, // December 6, 2015


Interview with artist/musician Gilly Sephira —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Verderio Cristina, also known as Gilly Sephira. I’m 29 and I’m from northern Italy. I am a creative and polyhedric (many sided) person, both artistically and professionally, emerging in several different directions. […]

Art, // December 1, 2015

Jane Radstrom — ARTIST

Interview with artist Jane Radstrom — Jane Radstrom is a figurative painter living in San Francisco, CA. She is known for her unique pastel portraits of people depicted with multiple poses layered over one another, so that they appear to be moving. Radstrom’s work is shown in galleries across America, […]

Art, // November 25, 2015

Luciano Senna — Artista

  Uma entrevista com o artista Luciano Senna — 1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Sou brasileiro, Luciano Senna 37 anos que ama a vida!Eu pinto o amor, a alegria, crio pinturas em telas, minhas obras com o pensamento em marcar momentos a muitas famílias. 2. Por […]

Art, // November 20, 2015

Exposición “Rescatemos a nuestra Fauna”

El próximo lunes 30 de noviembre se inaugurará la exposición artística “Rescatemos a nuestra Fauna” organizada por Lewinson Art en la Universidad Albert Einstein.   Lewinson Art tiene como objetivo difundir el arte y a través de él, crear conciencia, de tal manera que convoca a artistas a realizar obra […]

Art, // November 15, 2015

Beatriz Eugenia Hernández — ARTISTA

Entrevista a la artista Beatriz Eugenia Hernández — Lewinson Art promueve a artistas de gran talento a través de su galería virtual y de exposiciones en diferentes espacios, como parte de su labor, es dar a conocer quiénes son los artistas a los que promueve, le hizo la siguiente entrevista a […]

Music, // November 15, 2015

Jeri Sapronetti — MUSICIAN

Interview with musician Jeri Sapronetti —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Jeri Sapronetti and I am a fool for rock n’ roll. I play the guitar and sing for the Akron, Ohio based band Time Cat.     

2. Why music? I […]

Art, Writing, // November 8, 2015

Claudio Parentela — ARTIST/WRITER

Interview with artist/writer Claudio Parentela —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Claudio Parentela, a visual artist and journalist freelance…. I live in Italy … in South Italy …. I do this wonderful work since over 20 years ….I paint, I create collages, installations. […]

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