Hello! This is to notify everyone that the Arts Illustrated website and domain name are for sale. The site will remain up until it is sold.

If interested contact us at:
Phone: 717-249-1721
Email: cwa2464@gmail.com
Address: Arts Illustrated, 10 N. Hanover St. Carlisle PA 17013
Cover Photos Left to right Hélène Stevens Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola Mina Radovic

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Music, // November 8, 2015

William Caleb Parker — MUSICIAN

Interview with Musician William Caleb Parker — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am William Caleb Parker, a Songwriter, Guitarist, Singer, Engineer, and producer currently living just outside of LA. I just recently released my own solo EP called “Marie.” Its a blend of folk music […]

Music, // November 3, 2015

The Moody Spooks — MUSICIANS

Interview with the band The Moody Spooks –   1. Who are you and what do you do? We are a five piece group from Melbourne, Australia called The Moody Spooks. We make psych/alt rock music. We have been together for 2 years and have just released our debut EP, […]

Music, // November 1, 2015

Circadian Clock’s new album – “Day Dream Disorder”

Circadian Clock — has been super busy since we were featured in Arts Illustrated in October 2014. We were recording our EP “Day Dream Disorder,” and are working on our upcoming debut concept album, “The Dreamer.”     We’ve been playing all around the city at venues like The Bitter […]

Art, // October 29, 2015

Marta Spagnol — ARTISTA

Uma entrevista com a artista Marta Spagnol —   1) Quem é você? E o que faz? Sou Marta Eunice Spagnol, moro e desenvolvo meu trabalho na cidade de Chapecó – Santa Catarina – Brasil. Sou bacharel em Artes Visuais. Há muitos anos comecei fazer aula de pintura em ateliê […]

Art, // October 29, 2015

Exposición “Mujeres que han hecho historia”

  Exposición “Mujeres que han hecho historia” Lewinson Art  se dedica a promover a artistas a través de su Galería Virtual y de organizar exposiciones interesantes en diferentes espacios, combinándolas con música o danza en vivo.                 En esta ocasión se le hace […]

Writing, // October 24, 2015

Luiz Valério de Paula Trindade — WRITER

Interview with author Luiz Valério de Paula Trindade —   1 – Who are you and what do you do? To be short and sweet, I am Luiz Valério de Paula Trindade, a Brazilian independent author in the early stages of the writing career. I have already published some books […]

Art, // October 16, 2015

Arts Illustrated – Swim Suit Issue 2015!

On news stands NOW!

Art, // October 14, 2015

Exposición “Del sueño a la vigilia”

Exposición “Del sueño a la Vigilia” de Iola Benton y Christine Aebi Ochsner Lewinson Art inaugurará la exposición “Del sueño a la Vigilia” de las artistas Iola Benton y Christine Aebi Ochsner. El 18 de octubre en el Instituto Cultural México – Israel. Débora Lewinson hizo una entrevista a ambas […]

Art, // October 12, 2015

Patrick McGrath Muñiz — ARTIST

Interview with artist Patrick McGrath Muñiz —   
 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Patrick McGrath Muñiz and I’m a artist from Puerto Rico now living in Houston, Texas. My work consists primarily of oil paintings on panels, retablo triptychs and canvas.   […]

Music, // October 4, 2015

Deeper Upper — MUSICIANS

Interview with the band Deeper Upper — Deeper Upper is: Evaldas Arlauskas (synths, programming) Rimantas Nasutavicius (drums) Ignas Ivaska (guitar) Kestutis Purvinskas (vocals, guitar, synths) 1. Who are you and what do you do? Ignas: We are a band from Lithuania called Deeper Upper. In terms of style, usually we […]

Art, // September 29, 2015


Interview with photographer Anson Anthony —   1. Who are you, and what do you do? I am Anson Antony and i am predominantly a lover of  Fashion Photography and a Fine Art Photography.     2. Why art? I was always interested in watching the minute details in nature […]

Writing, // September 14, 2015

Suzete Carvalho – Escritora

  Uma entrevista com o escritor Suzete Carvalho — por Edmundo Cavalcanti   1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Meu nome é Suzete Carvalho.  Funcionária Pública aposentada fui também Dirigente de Associação de Classe, Professora Universitária, Membro do Conselho Consultivo de Editora, Redatora de Jornal e Revista, […]

Art, // August 31, 2015

Rodrigo Pedrosa – ARTISTA

 Uma entrevista com o artista Rodrigo Pedrosa — by Edmundo Cavalcanti 1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Sou Rodrigo Pedrosa, Brasileiro, Artista Plástico, Escultor e Pintor. 2.Porque a escultura? Sempre tive aptidão para trabalhos manuais, na adolescência descobri a modelagem através da massa de epóxi, com a […]

Art, // August 27, 2015

Christopher C. Curtis – ARTIST

Interview with artist Christopher C. Curtis —         

1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Christopher C. Curtis (C3). I am an artist living in Oakland, CA. I primarily work in graphite, watercolor, colored pencil and sometimes in oils.     2. […]

Art, // August 20, 2015

Rita Minelli — ARTIST

Intervista con l’artista Rita Minelli —       1. Chi sei e cosa fai? Sono un’artista italiana, pittrice e scenografa. Libera ricercatrice nel campo della psicologia del profondo, dell’esoterismo e delle discipline spirituali. Svolgo vari lavori inerenti il mondo dell’arte e conduco laboratori artistici per bimbi e adulti.   […]

Art, // August 18, 2015

Tyler Stone — ARTIST

Interview with artist Tyler Stone —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Tyler Stone. I am a UK based artist, living and working from the south coast in Dorset. I also work for a charity helping people who suffer with addiction issues.   […]

Art, // August 8, 2015

Anne Manley – ARTIST

Interview with artist Anne Manley —   1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Anne Manley & I am an artist living & working in St. Louis, Missouri. I am a contemporary, abstract painter.     2. Why art? I’ve always loved the creative process. […]

Art, // August 1, 2015

Saúl Kaminer — ARTISTA

  Entrevista al Artista Saúl Kaminer, integrante de Lewinson Art Por – Débora Lewinson     1. Como te iniciaste en el arte? Siempre me interesaron las antiguas culturas, todo lo escondido bajo la tierra, los mundos simbólicos , lo mágico del pensamiento y un día cargado de todos estos […]

Art, // August 1, 2015

Renata Cabral — ARTISTA

Entrevista com o artista Renata Cabral — by Edmundo Cavalcanti 1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Sou uma artista, porque nasci artista e a arte é o que me move e me faz mais feliz. Paralelamente, sou Advogada, bancária, mãe das três crianças mais lindas do mundo […]

Art, // August 1, 2015

Leonor Braga — ARTIST

Interview with artist Leonor Braga —     1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a Psychologist,  and a self-taught artist. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. As a child, I immediately became interested in art, although never actually pursuing this interest. As a young adult, […]

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