Writing, // January 1, 2023
I am Nadine Johnson, a children’s book author. I write, illustrate and publish children’s books through my company Nadine Johnson Books, an imprint of 123 Mango Tree, LLC. I was born on the island of Jamaica, but I immigrated to the United States at the age of eight. I’m also a middle grade math teacher and an early literacy advocate.
Art, Writing, // February 27, 2022
Desenho, linhas que se sobrepõem, se entrecruzam ou simplesmente fazem o contorno do objeto. Normalmente associado á figura humana. Esta forma de representação gráfica ganha impulso a partir dos séculos XVII e XVIII, embora não de forma consensual
Art, Writing, // January 15, 2022
Entrevista com a artista/escritora Denise Serralheiro — 1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Nasci em São Paulo/SP, desde a infância gostava de desenhar, – já cursei diversas escolas de desenho e pintura, entre elas, a Protec, END …
Art, Writing, // March 19, 2021
Interview with artist/writer Cathy Breslaw — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Cathy Breslaw , a contemporary visual artist. I am also an arts writer reviewing museum and gallery exhibitions. I have written for several publications and I have a blog: artfullifebycathy.blogspot.com I also […]
Art, Writing, // February 8, 2021
Interview with artist & writer Barbara Rachko — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am an American contemporary artist and author who divides my time between residences in New York City and Alexandria, VA. I am best known for my pastel-on-sandpaper paintings, my eBook […]
Music, Writing, // September 4, 2020
Interview with Poet/Musician Michael Jones — 1. Who are you and what do you do? Michael Jones – Singer-Songwriter/Poet/Musician 2. Why music? Music and songwriting is the modern poetry. The evolution of the human mind in this age of instant gratification and limited attention span required the blend […]
Art, Writing, // January 7, 2019
Interview with artist/writer Davis W. Morton about his new book — “Art for the sake of Depth and Meaning” Portraying beauty is the purpose of art for many people. For others, art can also be “art for art’s sake,” or design. And for over a century art has continually shown […]
Writing, // June 30, 2018
Entrevista com o escritor Edmundo Cavalcanti – “O poeta é um fingidor. Finge tão completamente Que chega a fingir que é dor A dor que deveras sente.” — Fernando Pessoa 1. Quem é você e o que você faz? Eu nasci em São Paulo/SP-Brasil, sou administrador de empresas, formado pela ESAN-Escola Superior […]
Art, Writing, // May 31, 2018
Uma entrevista com o artista / escritor Elze Arruda — 1. Fale um pouco sobre você. Sou Elze Arruda, artista plástica e escritora, minha raiz é o Universo e gosto de Viver, ARTEando VIDA…! 2. Por que a arte? Faz parte de mim, minhas memórias mais remotas, são pinceladas com lápis […]
Acting, Art, Dance, Music, Writing, // November 28, 2017
A veteran finds healing in the arts and then helps others. ‘A Way to Talk About It,’ finding healing in art and then helping others. For Futher Information — CreatiVets’ mission is to provide combat veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury with opportunities to use […]
Writing, // June 29, 2017
New Collected Poems of Marianne Moore (FSG), edited by Heather Cass White, gives readers a fresh perspective on the legacy of Marianne Moore, considered one of America’s most influential modernist poets. Moore, whose awards included a Pulitzer Prize, was hailed for her precise language, penetrating descriptions and keen observations.
Writing, // May 28, 2017
Poetry still lives and shines — In the current global editorial market, it can be observed that oftentimes a novel is considered (or treated) as some sort of Holy Grail of literature whilst other literary genres face a less glamorous status or, at least, do not receive the same level […]
Writing, // May 15, 2017
Interview with writer Christopher Jamaul Jones — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Christopher Jamaul Jones, mostly known as CJ Jones. Originally from Jackson, Mississippi, though I reside in Central Texas. I’m a published author, on and off again actor and currently Editor in […]
Art, Writing, // May 9, 2017
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young African Immigrant The novelist Yaa Gyasi and the artist Toyin Ojih Odutola — both born in Africa and raised in the same Alabama town — have become two of the finest observers of race in America.
Writing, // March 3, 2017
How Emmanuel Carrère Reinvented Nonfiction Late last October, as American electoral pandemonium was approaching its climax, I was in a living room in Paris where the 59-year-old French writer and filmmaker Emmanuel Carrère was talking about shame. “To write disagreeable things about the self, dishonorable things,” Carrère told me, reclining […]
Writing, // February 9, 2017
How to Write a Perfect Scene – by writer Lucy Adams Any literature work consists of scenes. A thorough work on the plot of the story does not absolve the author from an equally thorough work on the scenes. Speaking in military terms, the polishing of scenes is tactics […]
Art, Writing, // January 14, 2017
Михаил Андреев Зоттегем, Бельгия, 2016 Интервью с Исполнитель / Писатель Майкл Андреев – 1. Кто вы и что вы делаете? Я не столько художник, сколько арт-критик. До 40 лет я вообще был далек от искусства, а потом все изменилось. Раньше мои способности проявлялись в математике и физики, я получил высшее […]
Writing, // December 11, 2016
How to Choose a Topic for Your Future Book – by writer Lucy Adams It is no secret that a writer often experiences some uncertainty when coming up with a topic. Whether to choose something that will certainly please the audience or take a chance and develop some personal idea, […]
Writing, // October 19, 2016
The Ideal Library by Luiz Valério de Paula Trindade — Some years ago I used to have a private library at home holding slightly over 1,500 titles and for me, that was an amazing achievement. Not only due to the number of titles per se that I considered quite […]
Acting, Art, Dance, Music, Writing, // September 1, 2016
BRIDGEPORT, CONN. — Second-grader Yadeliz Santiago is joyously mashing black magic marker into a mound of white putty. She’s shaping the gray mass to depict a stage in the life cycle of a ladybug.