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Address: Arts Illustrated, 10 N. Hanover St. Carlisle PA 17013
Cover Photos Left to right – Hélène Stevens • Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola • Mina Radovic
Art, // May 6, 2017
Интервью с художником Андреем Скрипкой – 1. Кто ты и что ты делаешь? Меня зовут Андрей Скрипка. Я современный художник и живу в России, в Москве. 2. Почему искусство? Заниматься изображениями для меня с раннего детства так же естественно, как ходить или дышать, только намного интересней, потому […]
Art, // May 6, 2017
Exposición “Grecia y México, unidos en el Arte y la Poesía” El próximo sábado 13 de mayo, se inaugurará la Exposición colectiva “Grecia y México, unidos en el arte y la poesía,” organizada por Lewinson Art, en la Comunidad Helénica. En esta ocasión Lewinson […]
Art, // May 5, 2017
Entrevista con la artista Marcela Ramirez-Aza – 1. ¿Quién eres y qué haces? ¿Por qué el arte? Soy una artista plástica Colombiana, vivo en Colombia y trabajo básicamente obra pictórica. Para mi pintar no es una opción, es una necesidad de la que no puedo precindir. Me conecta espiritualmente […]
Art, // May 1, 2017
Interview with artist Phil Selzer — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am a artist, I am 62 and I am currently living in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. I graduated with honors from the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio. I was an art major with emphasis […]
Art, // April 24, 2017
Exposición “Como la sal en el mar” El próximo domingo 7 de mayo se inaugurará la exposición “Como la sal en el mar” de la artista Diana Fuentes, organizada por Lewinson Art en la Galería Pedro Gerson del Centro Deportivo Israelita La artista escribió lo siguiente acerca de […]
Music, // April 17, 2017
Inteview with musician Zara Thustra — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Zara Thustra. At this point, I suppose Time Traveller is the best way to describe my occupation; I travelled from my own time, 500 years in the future, when the last people […]
Art, // April 15, 2017
Exposición “Abanicos de Colores” El jueves 27 de Abril, se inaugurará la exposición “Abanicos de Colores” organizada por Lewinson Art, en la Universidad ORT, dentro del marco del Día Mundial del Arte. Lewinson Art tiene como objetivo promover el arte, tanto a través de su galería virtual, como […]
Art, // April 1, 2017
Exposición escultórica “Atemporal…donde vive el tiempo que pasa” Lewinson Art en conjunto con el taller de escultura de Roberto de la Vega, organizan la exposición escultórica “Atemporal… Donde vive el tiempo que pasa”, en el Foro Artístico del Centro Deportivo Israelita, desde el 23 de Abril hasta el 28 […]
Art, // March 30, 2017
Check out Alann Boatright’s article from May 2106!
Art, // March 11, 2017
Exposición Música Visual Lewinson Art en conjunto con Miguel Ángel Acosta Lara, se unen para organizar la exposición colectiva “Música Visual” en la cual los artistas expresan este maravilloso tema en diferentes técnicas y estilos. Queremos agradecer al Presidente Municipal, Lic. José Juan Espinosa Torres, por facilitar el […]
Art, // March 6, 2017
Interview with artist Abdelaziz — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Lourhraz Abdelaziz, I’m a Moroccan artist. I’m a teacher of fine Arts at a public school in the city of Agadir. I have chosen to be an artist since I was young. Honestly my […]
Writing, // March 3, 2017
How Emmanuel Carrère Reinvented Nonfiction Late last October, as American electoral pandemonium was approaching its climax, I was in a living room in Paris where the 59-year-old French writer and filmmaker Emmanuel Carrère was talking about shame. “To write disagreeable things about the self, dishonorable things,” Carrère told me, reclining […]
Art, // February 25, 2017
Interview with artist Brian T. Port — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Brian T. Port and I paint what I like to call “Figurative Still Lifes” in a contemporary realist way. I’m just your average married father of two who is trying […]
Writing, // February 9, 2017
How to Write a Perfect Scene – by writer Lucy Adams Any literature work consists of scenes. A thorough work on the plot of the story does not absolve the author from an equally thorough work on the scenes. Speaking in military terms, the polishing of scenes is tactics […]
Art, // February 6, 2017
Interview with artist Mark David Lloyd — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Mark David Lloyd I am a British Contemporary artist. 2. Why art? I have always made art, it’s what I do. […]
Art, // January 29, 2017
Interview with artist Ramya Sadasivam — 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Ramya Sadasivam, a freelance artist from Chennai. I am a full time artist. My work as such involves only practicing art, doing commission and customized works and to apply for awards. I am also […]
Art, // January 23, 2017
Interview with the artist Stephanie Skolik — Lewinson Art is organizing two exhibitions for the artist Stephanie Skolik. The first one will take place in the Jewish Sport Center in Mexico, on the 14th of February. The second will be in the Cultural Institute Mexico- Israel, on the 5th of March. […]
Art, // January 18, 2017
Baltimore — The Baltimore Museum of Art has had extraordinary success with its large and appealing exhibition “Matisse Diebenkorn,” which closes Jan. 29. It has extended museum hours to accommodate the crowds, the largest of any ticketed show it has presented in the past decade, and the exhibition has attracted […]
Art, Writing, // January 14, 2017
Михаил Андреев Зоттегем, Бельгия, 2016 Интервью с Исполнитель / Писатель Майкл Андреев – 1. Кто вы и что вы делаете? Я не столько художник, сколько арт-критик. До 40 лет я вообще был далек от искусства, а потом все изменилось. Раньше мои способности проявлялись в математике и физики, я получил высшее […]
Art, // January 9, 2017
See Richard’s article – Richard Chandler Hoff — ARTIST