Hello! This is to notify everyone that the Arts Illustrated website and domain name are for sale. The site will remain up until it is sold.

If interested contact us at:
Phone: 717-249-1721
Email: cwa2464@gmail.com
Address: Arts Illustrated, 10 N. Hanover St. Carlisle PA 17013
Cover Photos Left to right Hélène Stevens Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola Mina Radovic

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Art, // February 3, 2015

Iris Fletcher – ARTIST

Interview with artist Iris Fletcher —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Iris Fletcher, a 52 year old woman artist, born Sept. 23, 1962, and raised in New York City. I recently moved to Wichita Kansas, 5 yrs ago with my husband Art helps […]

Art, // February 3, 2015

Jan Min – ARTIST

Interview with artist Jan Min –   1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Jan Min, watercolorist I am 63 years old and paint all my life, the last 4 years only in watercolor.     2. Why art?  What is your earliest memory of wanting […]

Art, // February 1, 2015

Randy Drako – ARTIST

Interview with artist Randy Drako — 1. Who are you and what do you do? Hi my name is Randy Drako. Who I am and what I do must be credited to what I have been through. I only recently discovered my passion for art while locked away in a […]

Art, // February 1, 2015

Nicole Linde – ARTIST

Interview with artist Nicole Linde —   1)  Who are you and what do you do? My name is Nicole Linde, I’m an oil painter and a mother of a 2 yr old. 
2) Why art? The question is ‘why art?’, but it feels more like ‘why me?’ I don’t […]

Art, // January 31, 2015

Exposición “El Carnaval” el próximo 22 de febrero

El próximo 22 de febrero se inaugurará la exposición colectiva “El Carnaval” organizada por Lewinson Art en el Instituto Cultural México Israel.       Lewinson Art se dedica a organizar exposiciones interesantes en diferentes espacios, combinándolas con música o danza en vivo.       En esta ocasión convocó […]

Writing, // January 31, 2015

Amanda K. Dudley-Penn – WRITER

Interview with writer Amanda K. Dudley-Penn — 1.  Who are you and what do you do? Hi.  My name is Amanda K. Dudley-Penn and I am a Paranormal and Paranormal Romance author.  I will also be adding Romance and Dystopian to those genres very soon.     2.  Why writing? […]

Art, // January 30, 2015

Tem Pok – ARTIST

Interview with artist Tem Pok —       I was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia several years ago after experiencing a psychotic break from reality. It was too distressing to be inside my head any longer so somehow (don’t ask me how) I managed to shut myself out of there. […]

Art, // January 27, 2015

Christian Egbert – ARTIST

Interview with artist Christian Egbert       1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Christian T. Egbert. I am a 23 year old artist/painter who currently resides in Bernville, Pennsylvania.           2. Why art? Because I can completely let go […]

Art, // January 26, 2015

John Tracy – ARTIST

Interview with artist John Tracy — 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is John Tracy. I am an artist living in Lancaster, Pennsylvania creating primarily large acrylic work. 2. Why art? As a child art was a form of exploration and identification. When I drew […]

Art, // January 26, 2015

Vesna Martinjak – ARTIST

Intervju sa artist Vesna Martinjak 1. Tko ste vi i što radite? Ja sam, Vesna Martinjak, slikar, slikarstvo je moja strast. Rođena  sam 07.10.1963. u Molvama, sada živim i radim u Koprivnici, država Hrvatska 

2. Zašto umjetnost? Umjetnost i boje su u meni, to je moje drugo ja!! Jedan  moj […]

Art, // January 25, 2015

Magda Torres Gurza – ARTISTA

Entrevista con el artista Magda Torres Gurza — 1. ¿Quién eres y qué haces? Magda Torres Gurza, Artista Plástica.                   2. ¿Por qué el arte? Por que es un lenguaje mágico y lúdico.   3. ¿Cuál es su primer recuerdo de querer ser artista? Ver a mi madre pintando,sentada frente a su […]

Art, // January 24, 2015

Viktoria Up – ARTIST

  Artist Viktoria Up, in her own words –     My Name is Viktoria, and I was born in a Vulcano Area, middle of France called Auvergne, which has given me strength, passion, fire burning inside, and the most of all, it has since my childhood made me wonder […]

Art, // January 24, 2015

Jolyn Wells-Moran – ARTIST

Interview with artist Jolyn Wells-Moran 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Jolyn Wells-Moran and I’m a landscape oil painter who paints in a realistic style with an expressionist bent. 2. Why art? I don’t think there was ever a real choice. Art and nature […]

Writing, // January 24, 2015

Carl Plumer – WRITER

Interview with author Carl Plumer – 1. Who are you and what do you do? / Why writing? I was born and raised in New York City, where there is a great literary tradition. I was writing as soon as I could hold a crayon. Now I hold advanced degrees […]

Art, // January 20, 2015

Graham Berry – ARTIST

Artist Graham Berry, in his own words —       I’ve always loved to draw and paint, my talent such as it is was inherited from my mother, who was a very gifted artist. A teacher at junior school told my mother that when I leave school I should […]

Art, // January 18, 2015

Pilar Hinojosa – ARTISTA

Entrevista a Pilar Hinojosa — Lewinson Art se dedica a promover a artistas, por lo que entrevisto a la artista Pilar Hinojosa, integrante de este grupo, aquí nos cuenta Pilar varias cosas importantes de su vida artística 1. ¿Cómo te iniciaste en el arte? Mi primer contacto con el arte fue […]

Art, // January 17, 2015

Velko Geurgevich – ARTIST

Interview with artist Velko Geurgevich 1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Velko Geurgevich, a professional Realist painter living and working in Belgrade, Serbia.   2. Why art? I always had a feeling art chose me, like it was other way around. Art is a universal […]

Art, // January 16, 2015

Miquel Tejedo – ARTISTA

  Entrevista con el artista Miquel Tejedo 1. ¿Quién eres y qué haces? Soy Miquel Tejedo, también conocido como Harry Bones. Soy una persona que le gusta disfrutar con sus amigos, pintando, dibujando, viendo cine (bueno y malo)     2. ¿Por qué el arte? Arte es una palabra muy […]

Art, // January 16, 2015

Exposición Autorretrato

  Exposición Autorretrato 08 de febrero 2015 Lewinson Art se dedica a promover a artistas a través de su galería virtual www.lewinsonart.com y también organiza exposiciones en diferentes espacios. En esta ocasión convoca a varios artistas a participar en la exposición con el tema Autorretrato, la cual se inaugurará el […]

Art, // January 16, 2015


Interview with the artist  JW Baker 1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is J.W. Baker and I am an Artist.     2. Why art? Never really made a conscious choice for art, it was just inherent. It has always been the most effective means […]

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