Hello! This is to notify everyone that the Arts Illustrated website and domain name are for sale. The site will remain up until it is sold.

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Cover Photos Left to right Hélène Stevens Omoba Gbolahan Ayoola Mina Radovic

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Art, // October 21, 2014

Augusto Ghiani – ARTISTA

Augusto Ghiani in arte AuGhi nasce a Cagliari il 23 Marzo 1966 ,  vive ed opera a Villacidro, Sardegna, Italia, è un artista Autodidatta, sin da piccolo coltiva la passione per il disegno, a soli 10 anni nel 76  quando creò la sua prima opera, ha  vissuto dal 1985/87 in […]

Art, // October 21, 2014

Gabriel Moreno – ARTIST

Gabriel Moreno, Andalusian artist (Baena, 1973) based in Madrid. He started his career in 2007 when he uploaded his portfolio for the first time online. In only a few months, he was selected as one of 20 new talents of illustration by Computers Arts Magazine. From then on he has […]

Music, // October 15, 2014

John Pezzimenti – MUSICIAN

1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is John Pezzimenti, and I write music as Roperite. 2. Why music? I don’t specifically think of myself as a musician. I feel more comfortable simply referring to myself as a person with some form of artistic inclination. I’m […]

Music, // October 13, 2014

Kirsten Ludwig – MUSICIAN

1. Who are you and what do you do? My name is Kirsten Ludwig and I am from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. At this moment in time, I am existing at the tender age of 21. I am a singer-songwriter with a unquenchable thirst for new ideas, melodies, and places – […]

Art, // October 13, 2014

Carla Elena Name – ARTISTA

Semblanza de Carla Elena Name Carla Elena Name es integrante de Lewinson Art – Estudió Historia Mundial y cambios de fin de siglo, así como México Contemporáneo y estudios políticos en religiones en la Universidad Iberoamericana. Estudió 4 años de Experimentación artística. Curso de arte abstracto. Estudios en psicoanálisis y […]

Music, // October 13, 2014

“A.J. Froman” – MUSICIANS

A.J. Froman is a 5-piece experimental, progressive-rock band fronted by a female vocalist. The band is based out of Ocean Beach, San Diego and consists of Sarah Norwood (vocals), Jeff Shaefer (guitar/synth), John Joyce (bass), Albert Bowman (guitar), and William Hart (drums). All original music with one CD release in […]

Music, // October 3, 2014

Melissa Vile Kingdom – MUSICIAN

1. Who are you and what do you do? Hey ho! I’m Melissa, aka Vile of the band Circadian Clock, I’m the vocalist and general person of contact with a face in the band. Nice to meet ya! 2. Why music? Ah, well there really wasn’t much of any other […]

Art, // October 1, 2014

Exposición “El Ajedrez en el Arte”

El próximo 28 de octubre se inaugurará en la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística la exposición “El Ajedrez en el Arte” organizada por Lewinson Art. Esta interesante exposición se combinará con un torneo de ajedrez que se llevará a cabo en este mismo espacio empezando el 28 de octubre […]

Art, // September 29, 2014

Cheryl Korb – ARTIST

I am a Pennsylvania native, living where I grew up in Dalton. Painting has always been a part of my life, and after raising three children and stealing some time for painting when I could , I now paint full time. I enjoy painting country scenes, using the countryside around […]

Art, // September 18, 2014

Sorina Tibacov – ARTIST

Un interviu cu artistul român a remarcat Sorina Tibacov. 1. Cine ești și ce faci? Sunt Sorina Tibacov,pictor si profesor de arta. 2. De ce artă? Arta pentru ca este cel mai usor pentru mine si cel mai greu. 3. Ce este memoria ta mai devreme de dorința de a […]

Art, // September 13, 2014

Marcela García – ARTISTA

Semblanza De La Artista Marcela Garcia, Integrante de Lewinson Art En 1968 ingresé a la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas “San Carlos” de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, donde estudié pintura.
Cursé las carreras de Sociología y Comunicación. Realicé estudios complementarios de Esmalte en cobre, Vidrio emplomado, Joyería, Diseño en […]

Art, // September 7, 2014

Keo Merlier-Haim – ARTISTE

1.  Qui êtes-vous et que faites-vous? Je m’appelle Keo Merlier-Haim mais je signe mes toiles KMH. Je vis en Provence, dans le sud de la France, dans la ville de Paul Cézanne où la lumière est tous les jours fantastique ! Je peins de l’abstrait lyrique. J’écris également des romans, ainsi que […]

Art, // August 21, 2014

Exposición Lazos Entre Pueblos

Lewinson Art dedicado a promover el arte, ha organizado la exposición “Lazos entre pueblos” la cual esta integrada por artistas de varios países, y que será inaugurada el 4 de septiembre en la Universidad del Valle de México, plantel Tlalpan. Contaremos ese día con la presentación especial del músico Alex […]

Art, // August 13, 2014

Exposición Luz y Sombra – 24 August 2014

Lewinson Art  esta dedicado a promover el arte, por lo que organiza exposiciones en diferentes espacios.   En esta ocasión convoco a varios artistas a participar en la exposición con el tema  “Luz y Sombra”, la cual se inaugurará en la Casa de Cultura Atzcapotzalco el 24 de agosto 2014, […]

Art, // August 12, 2014

Ofelia Iszaevich – ARTISTA

Semblanza De La Artista Ofelia Iszaevich, Integrante de Lewinson Art Nací en Lima, Perú el 9/12/1944. En 1950 mi familia regresó a México, donde recibí toda mi instrucción básica. Nunca conocí un pintor de niña, pero por algún motivo siempre fue claro para mí que era a lo que me […]

Art, // August 12, 2014

Gregg Stone – ARTIST

    Gregg Stone may be a tenth generation Californian, but those who know the man and his art think of him as the gringo with the soul of a Latino.           He regularly prowls the avenues and byways of border region Hispanic communities with his […]

Art, // August 6, 2014

Going to Battle – Angela Brittain

Each year the Pure Art Group select around 60 artists to take part in the Pure Art Fair at Battle near Hastings, Sussex, UK., and taking place on 12th-20th Sept. at the Powdermills Hotel, TN33 OSP. I was lucky to be one of those chosen and am showing 3 paintings. […]

Acting, Art, Dance, Music, Writing, // August 3, 2014

RAiL Arts Project – Reading, Pa.

Please check out our VIDEO! Reading Arts In Local-motion, or RAiL, is a project that will bring the arts to the community — literally and figuratively. All too often, segments of the Greater Reading community feel alienated from the arts. To some of our neighbors, art is inaccessible. Our goal […]

Art, // July 24, 2014

Ana Gojman – ARTISTA

Ana Gojman Integrante del grupo Lewinson Art. La obra de esta talentosa artista vibra, sus densas capas de arenas pigmentadas , le dan un carácter muy interesante a su obra. La libertad de trazo, el bello colorido de su pintura se aprecia en cada una de éstas,. Con gran creatividad, […]

Art, // July 21, 2014


  Interview with photographer Geoff Coe —   1. Who are you and what do you do? I’m a Southwest Florida-based wildlife photographer specializing in birds–specifically, bird images that show natural settings and behaviors.  I photograph only wild birds, not birds in zoos or game preserves. I sell my art […]